Missionaries Sally and Crosby Johnson from Limon, Costa Rica, provide a welcoming, spiritually nurturing setting in an impoverished area. Many children come from single parent families who struggle to provide the basic necessities. Rev. Sally and Crosby provide support for the children to be able to attend school by paying the $200 in uniforms and supplies needed. Additionally they provide cooking lessons and job opportunities in a plant nursery setting. Members of Zwingli have participated in mission trips in association with Shiloh UCC to assist with building maintenance as well as providing a bi-lingual Bible School for the area children. Another method of assistance is to participate in fund-raisers though meat pie sales to raise money for the education fund to help those children attend school.
As Christians, we are all called to help others, especially those in need. “To whom much is given, much will be required.” Luke 12:48 The Bible tells us that when God blesses us, He requires more from us. This means that the more you are blessed, the more you have the responsibility to bless others. We are called to give back, and a mission trip is one of the best ways to fulfill that calling.
January 2023, two members of Zwingli UCC joined Crew XI, and headed to Limon, Costa Rica. Rhonda Feiser and Carolyn Weaver spent 10 days with Sally, Crosby and members of other churches cleaning, painting, repairing and decorating the church; as well as teaching Sunday School and Vacation Bible School. They also handed out much needed school supplies to the children. It was a life changing experience.
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